Devising email campaigns accurately directed towards identified targets is an unbeatable marketing strategy, particularly in the B2B arena. Also we have found that working email campaigns in conjunction with social media programmes can be a winning strategy.
There are six long established campaigning questions that marketers and communicators frequently ask themselves that are good to flag up for email marketing initiatives:
What (= content)
The content of the email needs to engage and be seen to benefit the recipient, whether it’s via a desirable special offer or through providing valuable information. Skilfully selecting and crafting text and images maintains a perception of brand quality as well as reinforcing the impact of the message.
How (= presentation)
Designing and structuring the email is vital to make the content easy to follow and absorb. The message should be simple, brief as possible, attractive and personal. Emails must also be optimised for mobiles, with impact in the subject line, an “approachable” sender reference and a clear call to action each playing an important part.
Why (= purpose)
There are numerous reasons for engaging audiences via email, including generating leads, strengthening customer relationships, building brand awareness and increasing website traffic. It is important not to mix messages.
When (= scheduling)
Planning the schedules, frequency and timings of emails can make a major difference to email open rates. Optimum scheduling varies in the B2B and B2C arenas and between different business sectors.
Where (= database)
Strategically managing the database will maintain its quality, ensuring that it is both up-to-date and accurately segmented for emails to fit the requirements of different target audiences. The database needs to be permission based and any unsubscribe requests rigorously honoured.
Who (= recipients)
Within the companies and organisations making up the database are the actual people that will receive, click-through and hopefully act upon emails received. Their job responsibilities and business interests are all important to the email campaign – if what is on offer is seen to be helpful to them in what they do, they will react positively.