Email Marketing

Reaching your audience through targeted emails

Reaching your audience through targeted emails
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Email Marketing

Targeted emails to connect with your audience

Cost effective

Cost effective

Targeted reach

Targeted reach

Increased engagement

Increased engagement

Improved conversions

Improved conversions

Stronger relationships

Stronger relationships

Measurable results

Measurable results

Email Marketing

What we do

What we do
  • Planning: We can plan and schedule content for all types of email marketing programme. We take a strategic view, ensuring compatibility with all aspects of client branding and marketing
  • Design: We will design email templates that have visual impact, are rapidly accessible and offer high quality presentation on large or small screens
  • Mobile optimisation: We ensure that emails are responsively designed for the range of mobile devices.
  • Data management: We can deliver databases that are cleansed, up to date and made up of recipients that have opted in to receiving relevant information, maximising opportunities for positive ROI
  • Copywriting: We produce high quality relevant and readable written content, reflecting our experience in B2B and B2C campaigns across a range of sectors
  • Reporting: We provide accurate statistics and analysis to measure achievements of each email distributed and will make recommendations for future improvements to content and scheduling

What is email marketing?

Highly focused targeting

Highly focused targeting

Email marketing is a long established technique with continued, proven success in today’s communications environment. This tactic can provide excellent ROI, improving brand awareness and business development through highly focused targeting. In the ever-changing world of online marketing, selecting the right audience, and creating the most impactful and engaging content is what drives interest and traffic to businesses.

Email has a long history that started as using the technology as a means of communications between bodies such as corporations and universities. Since then, its potential as an exceptionally cost effective marketing tool has been recognised and exploited. The extraordinary fact is that while many technologies have been replaced during this time, email has lasted well and indeed has thrived in popularity.

It only means that your emails will need to stand out from the crowd due to the quality of their content and tactical scheduling. This will make your email campaign at its most effective in engaging with your target audiences.

Why choose BBI Brandboost

Why choose BBI Brandboost

BBI Brandboost has a wide experience in creating and implementing email marketing campaigns. Our expertise means we can deliver email marketing programmes either as standalone activities or preferably, in order to gain optimum return, as part of an integrated marketing and communications strategy.

By developing our email marketing campaigns through creating specifically researched and tailored landing pages for individual vertical markets, we are able to provide audiences with trustworthy, informative and relevant content for our clients. Additionally, links from e-shots and e-newsletters can be created to websites, specific landing pages and social media channels.

The flexibility of email offers a wide range of possibilities. You can design messages for broad industry and regional categories or limited niche markets, as well as tailoring and personalising emails for audiences selected for their status as existing customers, prospects or representing specified interests and demographics. Programmes can be accurately scheduled to reach mobile users when they are likely to be at their most receptive to a given type of information, whether it be at work, on the daily commute or any other situation.

We ensure that outcomes and response levels from email marketing activities are accurately measured and will use the information to make adjustments to future mailings. We will also test different text, images, subject lines and timings with different database segments to establish optimum formats and content. BBI Brandboost frequently employs email marketing for our own promotion as well as for our clients and we know it works remarkably well!

Tactical email marketing by BBI Brandboost

Devising email campaigns accurately directed towards identified targets is an unbeatable marketing strategy, particularly in the B2B arena. Also we have found that working email campaigns in conjunction with social media programmes can be a winning strategy.

There are six long established campaigning questions that marketers and communicators frequently ask themselves that are good to flag up for email marketing initiatives:

What (= content)

The content of the email needs to engage and be seen to benefit the recipient, whether it’s via a desirable special offer or through providing valuable information. Skilfully selecting and crafting text and images maintains a perception of brand quality as well as reinforcing the impact of the message.

How (= presentation)

Designing and structuring the email is vital to make the content easy to follow and absorb. The message should be simple, brief as possible, attractive and personal. Emails must also be optimised for mobiles, with impact in the subject line, an “approachable” sender reference and a clear call to action each playing an important part.

Why (= purpose)

There are numerous reasons for engaging audiences via email, including generating leads, strengthening customer relationships, building brand awareness and increasing website traffic. It is important not to mix messages.

When (= scheduling)

Planning the schedules, frequency and timings of emails can make a major difference to email open rates. Optimum scheduling varies in the B2B and B2C arenas and between different business sectors.

Where (= database)

Strategically managing the database will maintain its quality, ensuring that it is both up-to-date and accurately segmented for emails to fit the requirements of different target audiences. The database needs to be permission based and any unsubscribe requests rigorously honoured.

Who (= recipients)

Within the companies and organisations making up the database are the actual people that will receive, click-through and hopefully act upon emails received. Their job responsibilities and business interests are all important to the email campaign – if what is on offer is seen to be helpful to them in what they do, they will react positively.

Frequently asked questions

While new communication channels emerge constantly, email marketing remains a cornerstone of successful digital strategies. It offers a direct and personalised way to connect with your audience, fostering relationships and driving conversions. Unlike fleeting social media posts, emails reside in inboxes, allowing recipients to engage with your content at their convenience. This sustained presence helps to build trust and establish your brand as a valuable resource.

Moreover, email marketing offers unparalleled targeting capabilities, allowing you to segment your audience and deliver highly relevant messages that resonate with their interests. This targeted approach significantly boosts engagement and conversion rates, making email marketing a powerful tool for generating leads and driving sales.

We don't just send emails; we craft compelling experiences. Our team of email marketing experts collaborates closely with you to develop strategies that align with your brand identity and marketing objectives. We'll create visually striking email templates optimised for any device, ensuring your message looks its best, no matter how it's viewed. Our skilled copywriters will craft persuasive, industry-specific content that grabs attention and drives action.

But we don't stop there. We track every aspect of your campaigns, providing comprehensive reports and actionable insights. By analysing data on open rates, click-through rates, conversions, and more, we help you understand what resonates with your audience. This empowers you to refine your strategies, optimise your content, and achieve exceptional results.

Data privacy is paramount, and we take GDPR compliance very seriously. We ensure all our email marketing practices adhere strictly to the regulations. We obtain explicit consent from subscribers, provide clear and easy unsubscribe options, and handle data securely.

Our commitment to transparency means you can rest assured that your email campaigns are not only effective but also respectful of your subscribers' rights and privacy. We keep abreast of any changes in data protection laws, adapting our practices to ensure you remain compliant and maintain the trust of your audience.

Absolutely! We have a proven track record of helping businesses expand their email subscriber lists organically. We'll work with you to develop enticing lead magnets, such as downloadable guides or exclusive discounts, to attract potential subscribers. We'll optimise your website to encourage sign-ups, and leverage social media promotions to reach a wider audience.

Our focus is on attracting quality subscribers who are genuinely interested in your offerings. This ensures a more engaged audience and higher conversion rates, ultimately leading to better results from your email marketing efforts.

We believe in data-driven decision-making. We provide detailed reports and analytics that go beyond vanity metrics like open rates. We track click-through rates, conversions, and other key performance indicators to measure the true impact of your campaigns. This allows us to identify what's working, what's not, and make data-backed adjustments to improve your results over time.

We also work closely with you to understand your specific business goals and tailor our reporting to reflect your priorities. Whether it's increasing sales, driving website traffic, or boosting brand awareness, we'll ensure our metrics align with your objectives.

Ready to enhance your email marketing strategy?

Reach out to us today to elevate your email campaigns and grow your business.

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