The Mission
Glenside Commercial Interiors LLP are specialists in providing solutions for commercial office fit outs and refurbishments. This involves them creating the entire scope of the project, from the initial designs to the technical installation and decorative finishing.
Glenside is a company that is passionate about quality, and they will offer clients a range of consultations using state of the art technology to showcase potential design ideas. Our mission was to promote their unique selling points through an integrated approach, with our primary focus being on their website’s SEO.
The client had recently created a brand-new website, which was lacking SEO value and therefore not reaching its full potential in terms of traffic and business enquiries. We were brought in to implement an SEO strategy that would ultimately see first page rankings for various key phrases across the UK, thereby increasing traffic to the website and producing more potential clients and business opportunities.
The Work
The first priority was to understand our client’s story and depict their values and tone of voice through our marketing and SEO strategy. It involved a multi-pronged approach, ranging from social media and PPC advertising to ensuring SEO was hardwired into the architecture of the Glenside website.
Having a clear strategic aim, we were able to take a synchronised approach when implementing our chosen tactics; we ensured that SEO was integrated into all areas of our marketing. To start with, we looked at specific locations that we could target, and cross referenced our client’s ideal key phrases with ones that maintained high monthly volumes of traffic. We also identified those that were specific to their desired demographics.
From this analytically sound start point, we were able to ensure that the content on the website was continually up to date and in line with trending and current issues. We also ensured that all technical SEO fixes were carried out so that the website was performing optimally.
The Outcome
Conducting both a month on month and year on year analysis of our client allowed us to make sure each monthly campaign led to growing results.
We ultimately improved their SEO, optimising their key phrases to ensure first page rankings and also improved website traffic by 30% in 2017.
This in turn led to an increase in business opportunities for our client, who has been delighted with the results and now finds the website to be the genuinely effective marketing tool that it was designed to be.