Creativity in B2B marketing is alive and well
Ronnie Gunn
16 Jun, 2022
Confused B2B Marketing Outlooks
Marketing Week recently published an article titled “UK B2B marketers ‘cautiously optimistic’ about creative future,” which then proceeded to describe views that hardly radiated almost any optimism whatsoever! So where did this confused picture originate from?
A survey by LinkedIn that’s where. It was conducted among marketers throughout 13 countries and the UK confidence level was only 59% as compared with a global average of 82%. So, are the Australians and Brazilians (both scoring 95%) just being cocky while our guys are demonstrating realism gained through experience?
Well, according to LinkedIn senior director for head of marketing solutions UK and Ireland, Tunji Akintokun: “We just are genuinely more cautiously optimistic around building creative B2B campaigns, but we know it’s the next frontier and the sign in the industry is that we’re already pushing the envelope quite a lot more.”
He goes on to explain how there has been a paradigm shift within B2B marketing and states that “Brand building, alongside reputation, are the elements emerging within B2B organisations and becoming increasingly more important.”
So why are we depressed by these two statements about history in the making?
Because that history has already been made!
B2B marketing is nothing new and skilled marketing agencies have been carrying out creative and strategic campaigns for their business clients over decades. The envelope has already been pushed many times!
Furthermore, enhancing public and target audience brand awareness is nothing new, and neither is building a brand’s reputation. The online environment has offered marketing and PR professionals new opportunities for doing both, but the skills and talent required have not just been invented.
Exciting potential
The LinkedIn research found that most of the UK marketers surveyed mentioned that the best talent in the industry was being attracted to working in consumer marketing instead of business to business.
This is a pity, because recruits to B2B marketing will find that it opens up exciting potentials. BBI Brandboost has undertaken both B2B and B2C campaigns for our clients. The successful outcomes from both types of strategic marketing and communications have given our team equal motivation and pleasure.
B2B marketers will never achieve their clients’ objectives by being confused but “cautiously optimistic.” Our agency team is, by contrast, highly focused and brimming with enthusiasm, which you will find out if you contact us.
About the Author
As Head of Communications, Ronnie focuses on content writing, PR and media relations. Throughout a long journalistic and business career, he has developed an exceptional talent for spotting a good story and knowing how to tell it. His varied experience allows him to understand complex technical subjects like precision engineering and appreciate the key selling points of consumer markets such as travel.
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