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Offering the customer value

Bradley Rose | 28 Mar, 2023 | Return|

Offering the customer value

Research suggests that the average household is visiting the supermarket more than four times a week.

Fraser McKevitt, head of retail and consumer insight at Kantar research firm said:

"Shoppers are taking action and clearly hunting around for the best value."

But what is value? And how can it be created?

Within every industry sector it will be important for businesses to provide useful products and services for customers to help encourage sales, improve customer loyalty and grow brand recognition. There are many ways to create value for the customer - such as cost and quality - and knowing how to create value for customers can have a direct impact on the success of a company. 

Here are just three ways that a company can offer the customer value:

  • Improve the buying process​​​​

Value can exist outside of a product or service. Other areas of a business to consider, that can help offer the customer value, include improving the user experience on a website and enhancing the buying process. Establishing an online purchasing option where customers can easily browse products and services will help improve the buying process and make the customer feel like they are being valued.

  • Make a unique product

Offering a product or service that is completely different from the competition can be a good way to stand out and be seen as offering high quality value to the customer. Intense and detailed market research may be needed to identify any gaps to be able to provide unique features or offerings that could attract customers to a brand.

  • Provide valuable content

It is crucial that any content produced to inform customers, or promote products and services is valuable to a selected target audience. Original and creative content, such as blog posts, articles, and videos can help educate customers and provide them with valuable information. Any content produced can then be shared on relevant social media accounts to help gain traffic to a website. 

Get help from BBI Brandboost

Here at BBI Brandboost we are continuously looking at ways that our clients can improve the content around their products and services in ways that will offer their customers better value. If your business faces heavy competition within the marketplace and are striving for methods to stand out from the crowd, then we can help. Please contact us now to find out about our wide range of services that help your business offer value to the customer.  

About the Author

Bradley Rose

Bradley Rose

As well as managing the SEO programmes for BBI Brandboost clients, Bradley is also one of our talented team of copywriters. These complementary capabilities ensure that online content enriched for SEO also engages target audiences and offers the highest quality UX. As our dedicated SEO specialist, he is an expert at research, analysis and implementation of the programmes we implement to enhance online visibility for our client brands.

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