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National Poetry Day

Jason Freeman | 06 Oct, 2022 | Return|


National Poetry Day inspired our marketing guru Jason to pen some pearly rhymes about marketing. These were posted on Twitter earlier today.

Marketing gets in your head
It steers, and you are led
It’s the reason why
You buy what you buy
Find out why in the following thread

(1/4) #NationalPoetryDay

It’s about features and benefits, you see
Marketers understand what fills you with glee
It’s not the look of a product;
Its price, weight or style
It’s how it gives you more time that is free

(2/4) #NationalPoetryDay

The man from Google he said
Sell a good night’s sleep, not a bed
That’s the same advice
And it’s worth mentioning twice
It’s a mantra that should re-read

(3/4) #NationalPoetryDay

If you take nothing else from this Tweet
Remember benefits outweigh features, which is neat
It is a tidy way
to help you sell more today
Now for thanks how about giving a retweet?

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OK, now it’s our turn!

Well, typically for the team at our High Wycombe agency, we all wanted to have a go at writing a verse about one of our digital marketing services. Here’s the result…


If your business seeks to engage
With social media being your stage
Don’t just broadcast your news
But interchange views
That your targets recall for an age


Bring traffic to your website
And let the people know
About products you sell
How your service excels
Through keyword enriched SEO


A long-standing marketing tool
Target businesses, healthcare or schools
With its well-focused aim
And we’re sure you’ll exclaim
“Good old email’s remarkably cool!” 


Written content can boost inspiration
And pass on critical information
Crafting excellent prose
That delights as it flows
Is the skilled copywriter’s vocation


A picture speaks a thousand words
But a video frames the story
In vivid animation
Crowning messages in glory

We have an in-house studio
That’s really well equipped
And each of our production skills
Will impact every clip

Well, OK. We may not be poet laureates (and some may say not even poets at all) but we do know our stuff!

If you would like to discuss how BBI Brandboost’s range of  digital marketing services could support your business, please contact us now, and we promise not to respond to your enquiry in rhyme!

About the Author

Jason Freeman

Jason Freeman

As a hands-on company director, Jason inspires our team with his visionary approach to marketing coupled with his impressive technical expertise. A stickler for detail with an eye for design and a talent for writing, Jason is as adept at creating eye-catching marketing material as he is at planning the strategies behind goal-surpassing marketing campaigns.

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