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Being at the front of the queue when the doors open

Andrew Libra | 07 Jul, 2021 | Return|

On 19th July the pandemic restrictions come to an end, giving greater freedom for businesses to operate in a near normal environment. But being at the front of the queue as a business today means establishing prime positioning online.

As we said in our recent article on the dramatic expansion of ecommerce during Covid-19 "The shift to purchasing online has been unprecedented in the history of the internet and, most would agree, irreversible."  The same is true of all the ways that businesses can effectively communicate with their target audiences and stakeholders. The shift online affects every avenue for building brand awareness and business prosperity.


Digital marketing priorities

Not so long ago, Forbes published an article on the “Biggest challenges facing brands in the age of Covid-19.” Highlighting the findings of a recently undertaken study by Newscred, the author writes:

“Here are the stats on which channels marketers expect to increase or significantly increase their investments: 

Virtual event creation - 78 percent 

Web content - 72 percent 

Webinars - 67 percent 

Social media - 66 percent 

Blog content - 57 percent 

Video - 50 percent"

But hold on a minute!

Well, so far, so good, but the next statement astonished us: 

"This means that marketers are either having to venture more deeply into areas they’ve only dabbled in, like video for example, or that they’re needing additional resources to help them create the content they need to survive in the coronavirus climate.” 

Honestly, we would be truly amazed if the marketers surveyed had no more than “dabbled” in these online facilities before. 

For some considerable time, our clients have clearly understood the potential for building target audience awareness of their brands through posting high quality web content, videos and other types of online communication. By using our creative and technical expertise and strategic digital marketing experience, BBI Brandboost has helped them to do so very successfully.

Cutting through the noise

In our recent Newsroom post on the predicted UK economic resurgence we stated: “Covid-19 has hugely increased the volume of global online traffic that was already at massive levels before the pandemic. In order for a business to "cut through the noise" it needs to use a range of measures to increase brand awareness and position itself above its competitors online. With the likely surge of economic activity in the UK, a powerful response in online communications could be imperative.”

And here are effective, proven methods of turning this objective into reality…

Building search engine positioning

seo-ppc-togetherWe have always believed that the corporate website is the hub for business communication. So a healthy positioning in search page rankings will be vital in the months to come. 

PPC (pay-per-click) ads offer guaranteed prominent search page positioning to help businesses rise above the competition and "cut through the noise." We also maintain that PPC can be particularly effective if used strategically in conjunction with organic SEO. We have used the analogy before of the powerful impact that a display ad in the press can exert when running with complementary editorial. With Google Ads you pay for Google space/ranking while with organic SEO you earn it.

Gaining social media engagement

Another recent article in our website newsroom highlights a recent Deloitte report, which found that social media channels have been a lifeline during the pandemic. The survey focused on personalised advertising on social networks, but the importance of a company's presence through accounts on social networks such as LinkedIn, Twitter and Instagram should not be underestimated.

Social media channels offer businesses the opportunity to engage with target audiences in numerous ways, creating understanding, generating brand loyalty and potentially drawing traffic to a company's website and/or ecommerce facilities. They have proved invaluable for businesses during the Covid-19 crisis and we believe that their importance will continue and increase in times to come.

Developing holistic strategies

As we have aimed to demonstrate, future progress to growth and profitability will depend to a large extent on the presence companies can establish online, attracting interest and potential sales leads both nationally and globally.

It will come as no surprise that the online solutions described in this article are core services offered by BBI Brandboost. A browse around this website and a look at our portfolio of case studies will show how we utilise our expertise in these areas and many others besides. 

So, if you feel that our strategic, creative and technical skills and experience could help your business to develop an effectively tailored blend of strategies to meet today's unique challenges and opportunities, then please get in touch

About the Author

Andrew Libra

Andrew Libra

As MD of BBI Brandboost, Andrew heads up our award winning team of Online Communications & Marketing Specialists, which provides an extensive suite of website development, application development, online marketing, SEO and social media services to local, national and international businesses. Read more...

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