Look out to source marketing expertise
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08 Mar, 2018
It is fairly common for leading businesspeople to switch sectors when they move jobs. In honour of International Women’s Day Thursday March 8th, we will cite the example of Alison Brittain, CEO of Whitbread, who moved to her current position after being Head of Retail Banking at Lloyds. It has shown itself to be a highly successful choice.
Yet many businesses are less imaginative in looking beyond their perimeter fences (real or imaginary) for expertise. This includes marketing and communications, because they believe that people appointed to do the job in house will have intimate knowledge of their business, its products and services. This in turn will enable them to promote the company better than specialists hired from outside.
But is that really true?
Opening new avenues
As online communications and marketing specialists it is natural that we should be extolling the value of outsourcing. But we are not underestimating or decrying the benefits of a skilled in-house marketing team.
However, because of our level of expertise and experience:
- We have provided invaluable strategic marketing and communications support to many in-house operations.
- We have successfully implemented seamless marketing and communications services for organisations without internal marketing personnel.
There are good reasons why a decision to outsource to a specialist agency can open new avenues for marketing your business. They include:
- A wide knowledge of marketing across different business sectors can bring fresh ideas and new approaches to strategic campaigns. Whitbread had the vision to appreciate how Alison Brittain’s excellent management skills and leadership experience could benefit their business and a similar outward looking approach can be successfully used when it comes to marketing.
- It is widely recognised that both creative and technical teams working in close collaboration are more likely to carry out successful marketing programmes.
In a recent article on our website we drew attention to the view of the Senior Director of Marketing of Adobe that “It takes the right culture to achieve the right blend of tech, data and design. Companies committed to delivering experiences are adopting a cross-team approach with the customer at the heart of all initiatives and collaboration.” This accurately describes the expertise, resources and collaborative working methods that BBI Brandboost offers.
- The classic argument for outsourcing is that it provides company personnel with the time to concentrate on core activities. This is very true in the case of marketing and communications.
For instance, it is essential that a social media marketing campaign involves continual monitoring and engagement. Similarly, the importance of keeping website content refreshed and updated is vital for both SEO purposes and enhanced user experience. This work takes time as well as expertise which in-house personnel may not be able to provide.
BBI can offer your business skill, commitment and our undivided attention for your marketing and communication requirements. Please contact us at any time to discuss how we can support your business to flourish and expand its target markets.
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