Hitting the right notes online in 2021
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21 Apr, 2017
Some time ago, before the Covid-19 emergency took place, we posted an article on this website titled "Hitting the Right Notes Online," in conjunction with UNESCO’s International Jazz Day, which takes place annually on 30th April.
The event took place on Friday April 30th 2021 under very different circumstances. However, the message of the article that jazz has powerful traits that brands should take note of is probably more valuable as we emerge from the pandemic than it was when the original article was written.
Jazz has a long history, and comes in a wide range of forms and genres. Jazzfuel.com publishes fascinating articles for jazz fans, written by musicians. Recently the website posted an article on the Different Types & Styles of Jazz Music written by a London-based saxophonist, which is well worth reading.
So, what can jazz teach us about marketing and business?
Jazz music lessons for businesses
As we said in our previous article, if you look at jazz as a brand, there are some powerful messages for businesses to ponder.
- Whatever form it takes, there are common elements which make it recognisable as jazz
- Jazz is improvisational and innovative, so it has survived and thrived (and many businesses in the UK have shown a remarkable flexibility in improvisation and innovation during the Covid-19 crisis, such as changing their normal production to the manufacture of PPE)
- Jazz is an international musical language that attracts target audiences across international boundaries and widely different demographics
- As a brand, jazz achieves remarkable loyalty and has countless brand ambassadors, from politicians to the man or woman in the street, boulevard or piazza. Jazz enthusiasts frequently feel that they belong to a kind of club whose members are linked by a common passion
The web and social media can provide businesses with similar opportunities to generate positive perceptions across diverse target audiences.
- Strongly recognisable brand identity can be carried through varied messaging and content
- Innovation and tactical skill in the creation, use and timing of communications can maintain and build target audience awareness and interest
- Perceived quality of products and services can be equally admired across national borders and differing consumer or B2B markets
- Loyalty and enthusiasm for a brand can be generated and shared through social media engagement. People will pass on their appreciation of good experiences to others, partly because it can reflect well on them in turn
BBI Brandboost has exceptional skills and experience in multi-channel online communications, digital and social media marketing. So, as we said in our previous article, please contact us 01494 452600 or by email for advice that could be music to your ears!
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